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Bristol Voice Care has been receiving lots of enquiries for vocal massage recently. Many of these people are coming for the first time, having never had a vocal massage before.

It can be a daunting prospect and many people don’t know quite what to expect.

This post will give you answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about our vocal massage services.

How can you touch my voice?

Although the vocal folds and supporting cartilaginous structures of the larynx are inside your body, we can support them with massage by gently manipulating the tissues from the outside. Placing hands gently on the neck allows us to treat the area of the larynx and this can impact the efficiency of many of the structures that contribute to our vocal production.

Does vocal massage hurt?

Whilst vocal massage can be an unusual sensation to experience, there is no reason for it to hurt. At Bristol Voice Care we do not believe in the ‘no pain, no gain’ school of bodywork. Gentle, client-led touch is at the heart of how we work. Through ongoing conversation, you will remain in charge of the process. Your feedback and continued consent is sought using the EQUATION model. Through this you are in control of the level of touch, pressure, movement and the positioning. This way we are able to tailor the treatment to your specific needs.

Is vocal massage dangerous?

No. When given by a trained professional, vocal massage is a safe and effective treatment for vocal maintenance and rehabilitation. Whilst the area of the throat can feel like a delicate and triggering area to be touched, the structures of that part of the body are much more robust than you might think.

Also, the benefit of our method of treatment means you are in control of the process, so can ensure that everything we do is comfortable and effective.

Do you just massage the larynx or will you touch other areas?

Depending on your needs, vocal massage may also include massage of the head, neck and shoulders. Working on and around the jaw area can be really useful for singers. Sometimes this might involve treatment within the mouth. Some singers may also benefit from manipulation of the area around the diaphragm. This can be particularly useful for anyone experiencing reflux.

Will I have to take off my top?

No. Vocal massage is performed fully clothed.

Do you lie down on a massage couch?

Depending on your needs and mobility requirements vocal massage can be performed seated, lying face up on a massage couch or standing. The best option for you will be discussed at you appointment.

Do you use massage oils?

Vocal massage is performed without using oils. It is a dry treatment and draws on techniques and principles from myofascial release, maxillofacial therapy and stretches.